
FlowTune Software

Version 2.15
Date 10-12-2024
Filename FlowTune™ Software
Size 7.7 MB
Type application/x-msi

FlowTune™ is an offline instrument configuration software program designed for the customer to easily change the active fluidset, change the capacity of fluidsets, change/add fluids in/to the instrument and change the controller speed of the fluidsets.

FlowTune™ is designed for digital Bronkhorst® EL-FLOW® Prestige, EL-FLOW® Select, IN-FLOW™ (up to 1670 ln/min), EL-FLOW® Metal and FLOW-SMS™ instruments.

Main features are:

  • Activating a fluidset
  • Changing the full scale flow (capacity) and its unit
  • Changing or adding fluids to the instrument
  • Changing the controller speed


Releases & system requirements
FlowTune™ Software

FlowTune™ Downloads

FlowTune Software
FlowTune™ Software
FlowTune™ Manual

   By downloading software of Bronkhorst®, you agree to the Bronkhorst's terms and conditions. If you do not agree with such terms and conditions do not download the software.