One manufacturer has taken the flexibility of the Bronkhorst mini CORI-FLOW ML120 a step further and by making use of the high pressure rating of the instrument is able to perform testing protocols that simulate real world high pressure applications. The results are more relative to the product performance and this in turn has offered a new level of confidence to their customers.
Technical specification: Instruments rated to 400 bar, accuracy of +/-0.2% of reading with liquid and +/-0.5% of reading with gas, certified for ATEX Zones 1 and 2, ability to be calibrated to ISO 17025, on-board PID control is standard, as is over-run protection and a self-learning function, with a turn-down ratio of 2000:1. Flow rates as low as 50 milligrams per hour have easily been achieved within a surprisingly compact physical unit (“the smallest Coriolis instrument in the world”). Multi-parameter instrument with flow, density & temperature outputs. The closed loop PID control board enables control of any pump technology and direct valve control, other types of control valve or indeed shut-off valves can be engineered depending upon the process conditions as required. Multibus communication is also possible, RS232/RS485, Modbus, Profibus, EtherCat, etc. The instruments can be assembled in a compact PLC controlled box offering a plug & play solution. Using Multibus communication master/slave control can be achieved.