Trace Elemantal Analysis

Trace Elemental Analysis

Trace Elemental Analysis (TEA) is a group of analytical techniques that are very important in Environmental Analysis, Metallurgy, Food & Beverage and Pharmaceutical industries. Using Trace Elemental Analysis, most of the elements of the Periodic Table can be determined in a very broad range of solid, liquid and gaseous samples. This is done with a variety of analytical methods.

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES, ICP-MS)
  • Total Organic Halogen (TOX)
  • Total Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen (TOC, TN)
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
  • A variety of elemental analysis to determine Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur and Oxygen (CHNS or CHNOS)

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Examples of applications

  • Mass flow controllers supplying carrier gas flow in CHNS, TN, TOX, TOC and several other analysers
  • Flow control of plasma gas in ICP
  • Flow control of nebulizer, auxiliary/sheath and purge gases in ICP
  • Collision/Reaction Cell gas flow control
  • Gas flow control in AAS with safety line for burner system

Trace Elemental Analysis

Flow control for analysers

An important function within analysers that are based on these methods is the flow control of different gas streams: carrier gas, plasma gas, nebulizer gas, purge gas, burner gas and sample gas streams. Bronkhorst supports Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) in the field of Trace Elemental Analysis with customized flow solutions.

Our offer to you:
​✓ Compact solutions
​✓ Economical
​✓ High accuracy, reliability and repeatability
​✓ Provided with the desired interfacing.


Brochure customized flow solutions

Brochure analytical market


Flow controllers for ICP analysis

An application story explaining how customised manifold flow solutions are used for the supply of gases in ICP analysis (ICP-AES) for environmental analysis.

View application note
Taking Water Samples

Flow control in combustion analysis

For an OEM manufacturer of elemental analysis equipment Bronkhorst supplied mass flow controllers for accurate &  reproducible flow control of gases for combustion ovens.

View application note

Trends at machine builders that lead to collaboration in the supply chain

Smaller, faster, smarter – three keywords that summarise the trends in the hight-tech machine building industry well. This also holds for Trace Elemental Analysers.

Read the blog
Trends at machine builders that lead to collaboration in the supply chain
ICP for environmental analysis with trace elemental analysis

ICP for environmental analysis

In this blog we explain various examples within Environmental Analysis such as ICP-OES, ICP-MS and ICP-AES. In these techniques flow meters are applied. We explain you where and how they are used. 

Read the blog

Flow meters and controllers for elemental analysis

In this blog we share developments and trends in elemental analysis and how Bronkhorst supports them.

Read the blog
Elemental Analysis

Contact our Trace Elemental Analysis specialists

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