

Hydrogen Flow Regulator with integrated display

  • Direct thermal mass flow measurement
  • High accuracy
  • Bright, graphical OLED display
  • Digital or analog output; alarm and counter functions
  • High precision needle valve
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Hydrogen Mass Flow Regulators with integrated display

MASS-VIEW® model MV-392-H2 Mass Flow Regulators (MFRs) are suited for precise measurement and control of flow ranges between 50…100 mln/min and 50…1000 mln/min hydrogen at operating pressures up to 10 bar(g). The MFR has an integrated graphical OLED display, clearly visible at wide angles, which allows reading of actual flow (value and a bar graph), total flow and type of gas. A high quality needle valve offers smooth and fine adjustment of the gas flow.

The display features easy set up via a user-friendly menu, using a 4-way navigation push button. Features & functions include a variety of alarm and counter functions, an analog output signal, digital interfaces and two relay contacts.

The MASS-VIEW® series provides modern, novel and economical alternative to variable area meters (VA meters), also known as purge meters. Unlike conventional VA meters these new flow meters measure mass flow instead of volume flow.

Technische specificaties

Meet- / regelsysteem
Flowbereik (tussenliggende bereiken beschikbaar)min. 50…100 mln/min
max. 50…1000 mln/min
(based on H2)
Nauwkeurigheid (incl. lineariteit) (gebaseerd op actuele kalibratie)± 2% Rd for flow > 50% of max. capacity;
± (1% Rd + 0,5% FS) on lower flows
Herhaalbaarheid< 0,2 % FS typical
Turndown ratioup to 1 : 10
Bedrijfsdruk0 … 10 bar(g) / 0 … 150 psi(g)
Druk coëfficiënt± 0,2% Rd/bar typical at Air
Standaard kalibratie gasH2
Responstijd (sensor)2 sec.
Bedrijfstemperatuur0 … 50 °C (32 … 122°F)
TemperatuurcoefficientZero: <0,1% FS/°C, Span: <0,2% Rd/°C
Lekdichtheid, naar buitengetest < 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s He
Standgevoeligheid< 0,1 % FS
Mechanische delen
Materiaal (onderdelen die in contact komen met het medium)Meter: Aluminium;
Needle valve: SS316, Brass
Testdruk21 bar(a) / 300 psi(a)
ProcesaansluitingenG 1/4” BSPP female thread
(compression fittings optional)
AfdichtingenViton®, PTFE, Fluorosint®, Buna N
Gewicht0,7 kg
Beschermingsgraad (behuizing)IP40
Elektrische eigenschappen
Stroomvoorziening+15 … 24 Vdc (+/- 10%)
Max. stroomverbruikapprox. 135 mA
Analoog signaal0 … 5 Vdc
Digitale communicatieRS232 / RS485 (Modbus RTU/ASCII)
Min. en max. relais contactenswitching current 0,5 A, 24 Vdc,
one side grounded (0 Vdc power)
Elektrische aansluiting8-pin RJ-45 modular jack

Technische specificaties kunnen zonder kennisgeving worden gewijzigd.

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MASS-VIEW Brochure
Quick installation guide
Hook-up diagrams
Hook-up diagrams
Modbus-RTU ASCII, RS-232 interface
Dimensional drawing
Dimensional drawing MV-1XX and MV-3XX