

Massflowregelaar voor lage drukval of corrosief gas, industriële stijl

  • Capillaire bypass sensor met grote doorlaat (thermische bypass-sensor)
  • Zeer lage drukval
  • Minder gevoeligheid voor vocht of vuil
  • Geschikt voor corrosieve gassen
  • Gemakkelijk te reinigen
  • Robuuste, weerbestendige behuizing (IP65, stof- en waterdicht)
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Thermal Mass Flow Controllers for low pressure drop or corrosive gas applications, industrial style

Bronkhorst® model F-200DI Mass Flow Controllers (MFCs) are suited for precise measurement of flow ranges between 0,2…10 mln/min and 0,4…20 mln/min (N2-equivalent). The instruments are particularly suited for corrosive gases or applications with very low differential pressure (∆P). Compared to conventional instruments, LOW-∆P-FLOW MFCs have larger flow channels to minimize the risk of clogging, facilitate cleaning and purging, and cause lower pressure drop (the sensor only requires 0,5 to 5 mbar). This model is of rugged design (IP65) for use in industrial environments or even Zone 2 hazardous areas, with optional ATEX Cat. 3 or FM Class I, Div. 2 approval.

The integrated digital pc-board provides signal and fieldbus conversion as well as PID controller functionality for mass flow control by means of the integrated control valve. In addition to the standard RS232 output the instruments also offer analog I/O. As an option, an on-board interface can be mounted to provide CANopen®, DeviceNet™, EtherCAT®, PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, Modbus RTU, ASCII of TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK of FLOW-BUS protocols.

Technische specificaties

Meet- / regelsysteem
Flowbereik (tussenliggende bereiken beschikbaar)min. 0,2…10 mln/min
max. 0,4…20 mln/min
(based on N2)
Nauwkeurigheid (incl. lineariteit) (gebaseerd op actuele kalibratie)± 1 % FS
Herhaalbaarheid< 0,2 % RD
Turndown ratio1:50 (2…100%)
Max. bedrijfsdruk10 bar g
Multi-fluid mogelijkheidOpslag van max. 8 kalibratiecurves
Settling time (in regeling, typisch)2 … 3 sec.
Stabiliteit van de regeling< ± 0,1 % FS (typical)
Bedrijfstemperatuur-10 … +70 °C
for ATEX cat. 3 and FM Class 1 Div 2 : 0…50°C
Temperatuurgevoeligheid< 0,1% FS/°C
Drukgevoeligheid0,1% Rd/bar typical N2
Max. Kv-waarde6,6 x 10-2
Lekdichtheid, naar buitengetest < 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s He
Opwarmtijd30 min. for optimum accuracy
2 min for accuracy ± 2% FS
Mechanische delen
Materiaal (onderdelen die in contact komen met het medium)roestvrij staal 316L of vergelijkbaar;
andere op aanvraag
Procesaansluitingenknelkoppelingen of face seal (VCR/VCO) koppelingen
Afdichtingenstandaard: FKM/Viton®;
optioneel: EPDM, FFKM/Kalrez®, FDA en USP Class VI goedgekeurde compounds
Gewicht1,3 kg
Beschermingsgraad (behuizing)IP65
Elektrische eigenschappen
Stroomvoorziening+15 … 24 Vdc
Max. stroomverbruik
15 V
24 V
bij spanning I/O
290 mA
200 mA
bij stroom I/O
320 mA
215 mA
extra voor veldbus
<75 mA
<50 mA
Analoog signaal0…5 (10) Vdc or 0 (4)…20 mA (sourcing output)
Digitale communicatiestandard: RS232;
options: CANopen®, DeviceNet™, EtherCAT®, PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, Modbus RTU, ASCII of TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK of FLOW-BUS
Elektrische aansluiting
Analoog/RS2328 DIN (male);
PROFIBUS DPbus: 5-pin M12 (female);
power: 8 DIN (male);
CANopen® / DeviceNet™5-pin M12 (male);
FLOW-BUS/Modbus-RTU/ASCII5-pin M12 (male)
Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP / POWERLINKbus: 2 x 5-pin M12 (female) (in/out);
power: 8 DIN (male);
EtherCAT®/ PROFINETbus: 2 x 5-pin M12 (female) (in/out);
power: 8 DIN (male)
IEC 61010-1IEC-61010-1:2010 including national deviations for UL (61010-1:2012) and CSA (C22.2 No. 61010-1-12)

Technische specificaties kunnen zonder kennisgeving worden gewijzigd.

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LOW-ΔP-FLOW Brochure
General manual digital instruments
Operating instructions digital instruments
Hook-up diagrams
Analog IO - RS232
Industrial Ethernet (EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Modbus-TCP, POWERLINK, PROFINET)
Optional Bus and IO Configurations
Dimensional drawing
Dimensional Drawing F-200DI
KCs certificate IN-FLOW MFC models (Korean)
FM approval Class I, Div. 2 (US), FM17US0363X
FM approval Class I, Div. 2 (CA), FM17CA0173X