
Micro dosing pumps

for combination with Flow Meters

Whether you need to pump liquids with high viscosity or you need to pump aggressive chemicals: pumps are available in many sizes and types. The application sets the boundaries for selecting the right pump.
  • rotary gear pumps
  • piston pumps
  • rotary lobe pump
  • other pumps types


Flow Meter Controlled Pumps

Pumps are core components in a liquid system. Dosing or metering pumps are able to measure the volume flow of a liquid. Process conditions like temperature, air containment, back pressure and wear and tear do influence the measured value, and therefore the pump needs an additional device to make the required correction.

Bronkhorst mass flow meters and volume flow meters do offer the opportunity for direct steering of a pump to minimize the influence of the process conditions on the accuracy and repeatability. By placing a flow meter inline with a pump gives the opportunity of pump steering by correcting the frequency of rotation of the pump. Technically, this can be done by a flow meter and a PID controller.

Combination of a Tuthill pump with a Coriolis Mass Flow Meter

Flow meter with integrated PID controller

Bronkhorst delivers flow meters with an integrated PID controller, thus we avoid the use of the filtered analogue outputs of the flow meter and a separate PID controller. This combination of a pump and smart mass flow meter offers direct mass flow control with high accuracy and repeatability – independent of process conditions. This solution – which uses an unfiltered control signal – offers beside these advantages also very high control speed and stability.

Flow meters can be combined with different kind of pumps as long as these can be controlled by a 0(4)…20 mA or 0…5(10) Vdc control signal. Bronkhorst offers also functional and system tests for a flow meter / pump system including fine-tuning.

The following pumps can be ordered at Bronkhorst

  • WADose High Pressure pump
  • Tuthill gear pumps (like D-series)
  • Other pumps on request

Read more about Flow Meter / Pump combinations

Liquid mass flow meter with pump

WADose High Pressure Pump

WADose High Pressure Pumps are often combined with a Coriolis mass flow meter for dosing purposes, such as dosing catalysts or liquefied gas dosing. 

Liquid mass flow meter with pump

Gear Pump

Gear pumps can be used in combination with our Coriolis flow meters and Ultrasonic volumetric flow meters for various dosing applications.

Applications using pump control


Liquefied gas dosing

In this application a WADose high pressure pump, a simple yet complete solution, has been used for dosing low-flow liquefied gases. 

View application note

Pharmaceutical dosing

In this application a solution has been shared for dosing very small amounts of pharmaceutical agents in a liquid state, using Coriolis mass flow controllers and a WADose high pressure pump. 

View application note

Accurate dosing of small organic solvent flows with gear pump

Within chemical industry, the supply of organic solvents is a frequently occurring operation. In this context, Bronkhorst delivers devices to accurately dose small flows of organic solvent.

View application note

Pump control for flavouring dosing

The use of expensive and often volatile additives is critical for many industries, especially food and beverage where the precise dosing of flavourings is key to product quality and the reduction of waste.​

View application note


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