
Releases Bronkhorst FlowSuite


This update includes the following changes:

  • Instrument status of devices in device list is now refreshed automatically.
  • Improved opening of measure screen when already open.
  • Unpause graph when restarting measurement.
  • Add milliseconds view in graph.
  • Add support for controller hysteresis.
  • Handle connected unittype for counter/totalizer/dosing.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Handle connected unittype for counter/totalizer/dosing.
  • Show unit of setpoint factor.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Handle connected unittype for counter/totalizer/dosing.
  • Show unit of setpoint factor. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Support counter, totalizer, and FLUIFILL parameters in measurement.
  • Gaps in measurement (due to not measuring signal or instrument offline) will now be shown as gaps in graph.
  • Fix issue with user tag ending with spaces.
  • Fix issue with unit selection for fluid set.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fix issue that could occur when rapidly switching between instruments.
  • Fix pressure capacities not updating.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fix pressure capacities not updating.


This update introduces a collapsible instrument list, use the button in the bottom left to collapse the list to gain some screen real estate
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue that fluids could not be created or edited on EL-FLOW Prestige and D6400 instruments.
  • Fixed unit and timebase issue for dosing.
  • Fixed counter unit issues.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed counter unit issues.
  • Fixed issue that text in input fields would be difficult to select.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed counter unit issues.


This update includes the following changes:
  • Improve handling of signal selection in graph.
  • Auto save on identification screen.
  • Capacity information is now also shown for meters.
  • Control mode now is displayed on tile in settings.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fix app crash in case bluetooth permissions are not granted.
  • Auto save on identification screen.
  • Capacity information is now also shown for meters.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Auto save on identification screen.
  • Capacity information is now also shown for meters. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved Alarm menu and handling
  • Improved signal re-selection for measurement.
  • Added warning when closing the measurement.
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved alarm menu and alarm handling
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved alarm menu and alarm handling
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Add support for measuring any parameter in the graph.
  • Changed track pad panning direction in graph.
  • Fluid information will now reflect flow in case of FLEXI-FLOW in pressure control.
  • Fixed issue with erratic displaying of signals in graph.
  • Fixed control function showing for unsupported instruments.
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fluid information will now reflect flow in case of FLEXI-FLOW in pressure control.
  • Fixed control function showing for unsupported instruments.
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fluid information will now reflect flow in case of FLEXI-FLOW in pressure control.
  • Fixed control function showing for unsupported instruments.
  • Fixed several small bugs and issues. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Updated EULA, the new EULA must be accepted to continue use of the application.
  • Added option to restart measurement.
  • Changed default signal selection for measurement.
  • Fixed issues with y-axis labels.
  • Fixed alarm settings not being saved sometimes.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Updated EULA, the new EULA must be accepted to continue use of the application.
  • Fixed alarm settings not being saved sometimes.
  • Fixed UI overlap issue.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Updated EULA, the new EULA must be accepted to continue use of the application.
  • Fixed alarm settings not being saved sometimes.
  • Fixed missing error message for invalid input on overview. 


This update changes how the measurement / graph screen is accessed, and how signals that are to be measured are selected. Look for the new Measurement button on the left below the Dashboard button. Also look for the Select Signals button in the top left of the Measurement screen to select signals to measure (for graphing and logging / export of data).
This update also includes the following changes:
  • Fixed regression that resulted in instruments connected via RS232/FLOW-BUS not being detected.
  • Fixed graph updating with new data after panning while paused.
  • Fixed potential issue with export folder selection.
  • Fixed offline behavior when instrument goes offline while instrument settings are open.
  • Fixed missing user tag on smaller window size.
  • Fixed potential issue that could occur when zooming from a long to a short timespan in the graph.
  • Actuator value now displays the correct amount of digits.
  • Add support for new instruments.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Actuator value now displays the correct amount of digits.
  • Add support for new instruments.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Actuator value now displays the correct amount of digits.
  • Add support for new instruments. 


This update add support for exporting data from a measurement, look for the new [Export Data] button in the top right op the measurement / graph screen.
This update also includes the following changes:
  • Improved display of signals in graph on high zoom levels.
  • Fixed issue where some information would not show for meters.
  • Fixed unit changing when entering capacity settings in some cases.
  • Updated controller screen to automatically save changes.
  • Reduced size of the application.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed setpoint unit toggle.
  • Fixed issue where some information would not show for meters.
  • Fixed unit changing when entering capacity settings in some cases.
  • Updated controller screen to automatically save changes.
  • Reduced size of the application.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue where some information would not show for meters.
  • Fixed unit changing when entering capacity settings in some cases.
  • Updated controller screen to automatically save changes.
  • Reduced size of the application. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved selection of offline instruments in device overview.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved rapid switching between instrument and instrument overview.
  • Improved clickability of some buttons.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved rapid switching between instrument and instrument overview.
  • Improved clickability of some buttons. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved panning and zooming in the measurement graph. Zoom in at the cursor position with the scroll wheel, and pan by dragging using the mouse.
  • Improved input of temperature and pressure for mixtures.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed missing slave factor and master node input for FLOW-BUS slave control mode.
  • Improved input of temperature and pressure for mixtures.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved input of temperature and pressure for mixtures. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved handling of y-axis range update.
  • Improved offline detection of devices while on dashboard.
  • Improved editing fluids.
  • Support custom sensor type.
  • Several small style and layout fixes.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved editing fluids.
  • Support custom sensor type.
  • Several small style and layout fixes.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved editing fluids.
  • Support custom sensor type.
  • Several small style and layout fixes. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue where colors in graph would not be updated.
  • Added information in case value was not supported on device overview and dashboard.
  • Fixed issue that fluidsets could not be deleted.
  • Fixed range check for control speed.
  • Refactor fieldbus settings.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed identify device not working.
  • Added information in case value was not supported on device overview.
  • Fixed issue that fluidsets could not be deleted.
  • Fixed range check for control speed.
  • Refactor fieldbus settings.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Added information in case value was not supported on device overview.
  • Fixed issue that fluidsets could not be deleted.
  • Fixed range check for control speed.
  • Refactor fieldbus settings. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Support RS232/FLOW-BUS interface module.
  • Improved switching between physical devices on a single serial port.
  • Signals in graph are now sorted by instrument.
  • Fixed issue with writing parameters in parameter screen.
  • Improved rounding of numbers for display.
  • Improved display of numbers in tiles.
  • Improved default value for limit/setpoint when changing control function.
  • Fixed issue that would occur after switching control function several times.
  • Fixed issue where counter settings could not be changed anymore.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved rounding of numbers for display.
  • Improved display of numbers in tiles.
  • Improved default value for limit/setpoint when changing control function.
  • Fixed issue that would occur after switching control function several times.
  • Fixed issue where counter settings could not be changed anymore.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved rounding of numbers for display.
  • Improved display of numbers in tiles.
  • Improved default value for limit/setpoint when changing control function.
  • Fixed issue that would occur after switching control function several times.
  • Fixed issue where counter settings could not be changed anymore. 


This update includes the following changes:
📈 Added support for measurements with a graph. Access it via the dashboard by adding instruments, enabling values, and opening the graph with the "Measure" button. The graph includes the following features:
  • Separate scalable y-axes for different instrument or units (configurable).
  • Configurable colors.
  • Option to hide and show signals and axes.
  • Visible time range from 1 second to 4 weeks.
Other changes included in this update:
  • Update UI toolkit for a refreshed look to some controls.
  • Fixed issue with writing parameters in the advanced parameters screen.
  • Fixed menu button being disabled when it should not have been.
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
  • Fixed issue where meters could not be added to the dashboard.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed no instruments found after launching the app.
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
  • Fixed display of icon which indicates the selected fluidset during fluidset selection.
  • Fixed stub field showing sometimes. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Pressure measurement tile is automatically selected for pressure instruments added to the dashboard.
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles.
  • Fixed crash issue that would occur when closing the application when a parameter read/write window was open.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue that available devices are found after starting the application.
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles. 


This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed offline devices showing in add instrument menu on dashboard.
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue with overlapping text on certain tiles.
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages. 


This update includes the following changes:
📈 Added support for measurements with a graph. Access it via the dashboard by adding instruments, enabling values, and opening the graph with the "Measure" button. The graph includes the following features:

  • Separate scalable y-axes for different instrument or units (configurable).
  • Configurable colors.
  • Option to hide and show signals and axes.
  • Visible time range from 1 second to 4 weeks.
 Other changes included in this update:
  • Update UI toolkit for a refreshed look to some controls.
  • Fixed issue with writing parameters in the advanced parameters screen.
  • Fixed menu button being disabled when it should not have been.
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
  • Fixed issue where meters could not be added to the dashboard.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed no instruments found after launching the app.
  • Fixed issue where changing fluid (fluid name) would not work the first time.
  • Fixed display of icon which indicates the selected fluidset during fluidset selection.
  • Fixed stub field showing sometimes.


This update includes the following changes:

  • Pressure measurement tile is automatically selected for pressure instruments added to the dashboard.
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles.
  • Fixed crash issue that would occur when closing the application when a parameter read/write window was open.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue that available devices are found after starting the application.
  • Fixed issue that values would not show on temperature and valve tiles.


This update includes the following changes:

  • Fixed offline devices showing in add instrument menu on dashboard.
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages.
This update includes the following changes:
  • Fixed issue with overlapping text on certain tiles.
  • Improved layout on sensor tiles with long values.
  • Updated internal packages.


This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Improved styling of input elements.
  • Improved saving settings to instrument.
  • Fixed incorrect styling of control tile when changing control function.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Improved clarity of selected option in option selection.
  • Improved saving settings to instrument.
  • Fixed incorrect styling of control tile when changing control function.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue that some FLEXI-FLOWs could not be connected.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with FLEXI-FLOW meters.
  • Fixed issue with editing capacity right after changing fluid selection.
  • Improved clarity of selected option in option selection.
  • Improved saving settings to instrument.
  • Fixed incorrect styling of control tile when changing control function.


This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Improved setpoint handling.
  • Multiple impovements and bugfixes related to the alarm function.
  • The instrument's IP-address setting can now be changed again.
  • The unit and percent buttons within the setpoint tile are now functioning as expected.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Improved setpoint handling.
  • Multiple impovements and bugfixes related to the alarm function.
  • The instrument's IP-address setting can now be changed again.
  • The arrows on the overview screen tiles are back to functioning as expected.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • Improved setpoint handling.
  • Multiple impovements and bugfixes related to the alarm function.
  • The instrument's IP-address setting can now be changed again.
  • Improved keyboard handling to prevent odd behaviour.


This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • The parameter names in the parameter read and write function are now readable.
  • Small improvements to the app layout details.
  • Improved keyboard support in the parameter read and write function.
  • The app won’t crash anymore when the minimum and maximum fields inside the Alarm function contain the same percentage values.
  • The fluidset name “mix” be shown in the dashboard.
  • The warning popup will be shown every time fluidset menu is entered.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • The app won’t crash anymore when the minimum and maximum fields inside the Alarm function contain the same percentage values.
  • Fixed the issue with fieldbus address field.
  • Removed “save” buttons in the setting screens without input fields.
  • The warning popup will be shown everytime fluidset menu is entered.

This update includes the following bug fixes:

  • The EULA and the contact details now works as expected.
  • Removed “save” buttons in the setting screens without input fields.
  • Show popup every time fluidset menu is entered.
  • Fixed issue with not showing the full device Namur status and information.
System requirements


  • Minimum hardware and software:
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with two or more cores.
  • Memory: 4 gigabytes (GB) or greater.
  • Storage: 1 GB or greater available disk space.
  • Display: High definition (720p) display or greater.
  • Windows 10 with the May 2020 update (version 2004) and later, Windows 11.


  • Os version: Android 9.0 and later


  • Os version: iOS 15.4 and later


1 Kings Court
Willie Snaith Road
Newmarket Suffolk CB8 7TG
Tel. +44 1223 833222

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