
Our most popular blogs about flow control

January 3, 2022 Marlies Slütter
Bronkhorst top 5 stories in flow control trends

Hello 2023! We are another year down the road. A nice moment to look back to the previous year. As Market Researcher I analyse trends within the market around us. Based on these trends, we develop new instruments. This way, we are able to meet our customers demands now and in the future. In this blog, I share some popular stories that are related to trends within the (low flow) flow meter market.

  1. Fuel cell development & testing by mass flow control
  2. Biotechnology and bioreactors a very diverse technology
  3. How Mass Flow Controllers make our gas smell
  4. Mass Spectrometry and Mass Flow Control; A closer ion them
  5. Liquid flow meters for mRNA vaccine production

Top 5 stories about flow meter trends

1. Fuel cell development & testing by mass flow control

Fuel cells play an important role in our energy transition. They are used to transform hydrogen from renewable energy sources back to electricity. Mass flow controllers are an important part of fuel cell development and testing, since fuel cells depend highly on fluidic parameters during testing. In this blog, Jos Abbing explains how mass flow control contributes to fuel cell development and testing. Thereby, he focuses on thermal by-pass technology.

Flow control in fuel cell development
Flow control bioreactors

2. Biotechnology and bioreactors a very diverse technology

There is a large transition going on from animal to plant-based proteins. A lot of research is done how to reduce waste and use more sustainable system of proteins. Fermentation or biotechnology can play an important role in that.

In this blog, our Bioreactor specialists, Gunther Kolder and Dion Oudejans, explain the rise of this fascinating technology and share their knowledge about the role of flow controllers in the aeration process within the bioreactor. Read their blog about the role of flow meters in bioreactor processes.

Mass flow controllers for gas odorisation

3. How Mass Flow Controllers make our gas smell

Energy prices are rising globally. The need for the use of sustainable, green energy is accelerating. Bioenergy is an example of a more sustainable source of energy. It is produced by the breakdown of organic matter such as food scraps and animal waste. Just like natural gas, biogas (biomethane) has to be odorized in order to possess a characteristic alarming ‘gas’ smell. In this blog, Sandra Wassink explains how this process works.

4. Mass Spectrometry and Mass Flow Control; A closer ion them

The market for Mass Spectrometry is large and expanding. Mass Spectrometers are used for analytical research in general and getting more important in food research. For example in research concerning aging of whiskey and fingerprinting of red wine to determine the origin of the grapes.

Another emerging market is biopharmaceutical research where Mass Spectrometers are used to study proteins and how these proteins are digested in living organisms.

In this blog, Rob ten Haaft explains what a Mass Spectrometer is and what the role of Mass Flow Controllers in this application is.

Flow control in Mass Spectrometry
Liquid flow meters for vaccine production

5. Liquid flow meters for mRNA vaccine production

In the end of 2020 the first COVID-19 vaccines were developed and made available to the public. Knauer Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH manufactures mixing systems for mRNA vaccine research, pilot plants and production. They incorporate our liquid flow meters into their impingement jets mixing skids. This way, they are able to measure the vaccine ingredients accurately and reproducibly under pharmaceutical conditions.

In this application story you read more about the process and the solution we offered.

E-book: Flow Meters

As you could read above, flow meters play an important role in various applications. Would you like to learn what a flow meter is, how it works and how you can select the right flow flow meter for your application? In our e-book you find information about all these topics! Download the e-book now!

Download e-book


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