
Useful links

Mass Flow ONLINE B.V.

Delivers high quality mass flow metering and control instruments of Bronkhorst High-Tech B.V., not requiring customer specific advice or a quotation. All relevant information can be found online. Order today and we’ll ship your order within two working days. Selecting and buying online saves time and is cost-efficient.


PROFIBUS Nederland

Dutch organisation, active in fieldbus technology for the process industry. In our "multibus" digital instruments PROFIBUS DP is one of the fieldbus options Bronkhorst can offer.



Bronkhorst is member of this organization that supports network technologies built on the Common Industrial Protocol. One of these is DeviceNetTM, a fieldbus for which Bronkhorst can offer an integrated interface on their digital "multibus" instruments.


EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG)

is the forum in which key user companies from various industries and leading automation suppliers join forces to support, promote and advance the EtherCAT technology. Bronkhorst's Mass Flow Meters/Controllers and Pressure Meters/Controllers can be supplied with on-board EtherCAT interface.


European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG)

is a global network of equipment manufacturers, food processing companies, research institutes and public health authorities, founded in 1989 with the aim of promoting hygiene during the production, processing and packaging of food products. EHEDG is a non-profit foundation and a worldwide knowledge sharing community, connecting food industry stakeholders, scientists and legislators across the supply chain. EHEDG has over 550 food and food equipment company members (among which the biggest food processing and food equipment companies in the world) and 60 university members.


FHI Federatie van technologiebranches

A collective of technology oriented companies active on the Dutch market in the field of industrial electronics, industrial automation, laboratory technology and medical technology. The collective functions as a netwerk and addresses itself to external parties, both public and private, the industry and (semi-)governmental institutions. FHI organises various conferences and exhibitions e.g. Het Instrument and the FlowShow.



Bronkhorst has been member of the SEMI Organisation for many years. SEMI is the global organisation for the advanced semiconductor industry. Members are entitled to participate at events like workshops and exhibitions organised by SEMI and have access to a full range of products and services.


Dutch Metrology Institute VSL

The independent measurement authority in the Netherlands. VSL, under contract to the federal government, manages and develops national measurement standards and is expert in the field of measurement. VSL is part of the Holland Metrology Groep in which TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, is the shareholder. Up until 1 March 2009, VSL was known as NMi Van Swinden Laboratorium.


TNO Industrie en Techniek

TNO Industrie en Techniek is one of the institutes of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO. TNO I+T aims to strengthen the competitiveness of her clients by innovative applications of technology. Technologies are: applied physics, informatics, optics, acoustics, mechanics, electronics, materials and process technology. In co-operation with TNO, Bronkhorst High-Tech could develop various new products based on innovative technolgies, e.g. the LIQUI-FLOW series.


FLUIDAT on the Net

At Bronkhorst where mass flow meters for gases and liquids are manufactured, many physical properties of fluids are used, e.g. density, specific heat, viscosity, vapour pressure. For this purpose, computer routines were developed, which generate physical fluid properties based on theoretical calculation methods. The collection of calculation routines is called FLUIDAT®. These routines are made available for Bronkhorst customers at the FLUIDAT on the Net website.



Bronkhorst offers SilcoNert™ 2000 coated products from SilcoTek™. SilcoNert™2000 ensures analytical system accuracy, sensitivity, inertness and durability in demanding applications in process, analytical, oil, gas and semiconductor markets. To learn more about SilcoNert™ 2000 and other coatings from SilcoTek™


Brainport Industries

Brainport Industries connects all suppliers in the high tech systems value chain.
In a unique 'open supply chain' model, these companies supply complete machines, (sub-)systems, modules and components to world wide leading high-tech OEM companies.


Mikrocentrum High Tech Platform

Mikrocentrum organizes training, trade shows, conferences and theme days. Companies that are affiliated with the Mikrocentrum High Tech Platform are often active in or supplier to the technical manufacturing industry. This may concern products, services, resources, knowledge, processes and intermediates, in other words every aspect of the supply chain.



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Newmarket Suffolk CB8 7TG
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