
IN-PRESS P-5X2CI+F-0XXAI (P1-control)


  • 背壓控制(控制上游壓力“P1”)
  • 對於絕壓或表壓
  • 高精度和可重複性
  • 久經考驗的緊湊型直通設計
  • 堅固的防風雨外殼(IP65,防塵防水)
  • 模擬、RS232 和現場總線通信
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IN-PRESSP-5X2CI+F-0XXAI (P1-control)

Industrial Style Forward Pressure Controllers

Bronkhorst® models P-502CI through P-532CI Electonic Pressure Transducers (EPTs) can be combined with control valves for precise measurement and control of pressure ranges between 2…100 mbar and 8…400 bar absolute or gauge. The standard direct acting valves (F-001AI/F-011AI) are normally closed, have a pressure capability up to 100 bar and are available for Kv-values up to 6.6 x 10-6. Normally opened valves can also be supplied. For pressure control in combination with high flow rates, Bronkhorst has pilot operated valves models F-002AI and F-003AI/F-003BI with Kv-values up to 6.0 ! The so-called Vary-P valve F-033 that can cope with 400 bar delta-P. And finally, our bellows valve F-004 can be used for applications with very low differential pressure.

All combinations of IN-PRESS pressure meters with control valves are of rugged design (IP65) for use in industrial environments or even Zone 2 hazardous areas, with optional ATEX Cat. 3 approval.

IN-PRESS series are equipped with a digital pc-board, offering high accuracy, excellent temperature stability and fast response. The main digital pc-board contains all of the general functions needed for measurement and control. In addition to the standard RS232 output the instruments also offer analog I/O. As an option, an on-board interface can be mounted to provide CANopen®, DeviceNet™, EtherCAT®, PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, Modbus RTU, ASCII or TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK or FLOW-BUS protocols.

Technical specifications

Measurement / control system
Absolute pressure sensorsCode: 350A - Ranges (FS): 100 ... 350 mbara - P-max: 1,0 bara
Code: 1K1A - Ranges (FS): 0,35 ... 1,1 bara - P-max: 3,1 bara
Code: 6K0A - Ranges (FS): 1,1 ... 6 bara - P-max: 10,5 bara
Code: 21KA - Ranges (FS): 6 ... 21 bara - P-max: 62 bara
Code: M10A - Ranges (FS): 20 ... 100 bara - P-max: 200 bara
Code: M40A - Ranges (FS): 100 ... 400 bara - P-max: 500 bara
Relative pressure sensorsCode: 100R - Ranges (FS): 35 ... 100 mbarg - P-max: 0,7 barg
Code: 350R - Ranges (FS): 100 ... 350 mbarg - P-max: 1,0 barg
Code: 1k1R - Ranges (FS): 0,35 ... 1,1 barg - P-max: 3,1 barg
Code: 6K0R - Ranges (FS): 1,1 ... 6 barg - P-max: 10,5 barg
Code: 21KR - Ranges (FS): 6 ... 21 barg - P-max: 62 barg
Accuracy (incl. linearity and hysteresis)± 0,5 % FS
Repeatability< 0,1 % RD
Pressure rangeabilitymeasurement: 1 : 50 (2…100%)
control: 1 : 5 (with flow range 1 : 50)
Control stability≤ ±0,05% FS (typical for 1 ln/min N2 at specified process volume)
Operating temperature-10 … +70 °C
for ATEX cat. 3 0…50°C
Temperature sensitivity0,1% FS/°C
Leak integrity, outboardtested < 2 x 10-9 mbar l/s He
Attitude sensitivitymax. error at 90° off horizontal < 0,3 mbar
Warm-up timenegligible
Mechanical parts
Material (wetted parts)stainless steel 316L or comparable
Process connectionscompression type or face seal (VCR/VCO) couplings
Sealsstandard: Viton®; options: EPDM, Kalrez® (FFKM)
Ingress protectionIP65
Electrical properties
Power supply+15 … 24 Vdc
Max. power consumption
15 V
24 V
at voltage I/O
290 mA
200 mA
at current I/O
320 mA
215 mA
extra for fieldbus
<75 mA
<50 mA
CANopen® / DeviceNet™add 48 mA (24 V supply)
Analog output0…5 (10) Vdc or 0 (4)…20 mA (sourcing output)
Digital communicationstandard: RS232;
options: CANopen®, DeviceNet™, EtherCAT®, PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, Modbus RTU, ASCII or TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, POWERLINK or FLOW-BUS
Electrical connection
Analog/RS2328 DIN (male);
PROFIBUS DPbus: 5-pin M12 (female);
power: 8 DIN (male);
CANopen® / DeviceNet™5-pin M12 (male);
FLOW-BUS/Modbus-RTU/ASCII5-pin M12 (male)
Modbus TCP / EtherNet/IP / POWERLINKbus: 2 x 5-pin M12 (female) (in/out);
power: 8 DIN (male);
EtherCAT®/ PROFINETbus: 2 x 5-pin M12 (female) (in/out);
power: 8 DIN (male);
Control valve options
External actuator options to be connected to the controller
Certification for hazardous areas
Approvals / certificates

Technical specifications subject to change without notice.

Note: The measuring cell of the pressure sensor is separated from the external pressure by a thin, sensitive stainless steel diaphragm, and the sealed off cavity between diaphragm and cell is filled with oil. Since the standard oil filling is flammable, Bronkhorst advises to take precautions when oxygen or any other explosive fluid is used.

For dimensional drawings and hook-up diagrams please visit the product page on our website


IN-PRESS brochure
General manual digital instruments
Quick Start Guide IN-PRESS
Hook-up diagrams
Analog IO - RS232
Industrial Ethernet (EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, Modbus-TCP, POWERLINK, PROFINET)
Optional Bus and IO Configurations
Dimensional drawing
P-502CI_P-512CI with F-001AI_F-011AI


Rm. 1 & 2, 4F., No.38, Taiyuan St., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
電話 +886 3-5600-518
[email protected]

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