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Bronkhorst High-Tech BV 是在氣體和液體,壓力控制器和蒸發系統方面質量流量計/質量流量控制器技術的領導者。
Bronkhorst offers mass flow meters and controllers up to 5000 ln/min Air equivalent. In aeration applications up to 50% of the MASS-STREAM flow measurement and control instruments are sold with multi-functional display which offers a wide range of additional options. This application note introduces aeration presenting several ideas for using our instruments in different industrial sectors. Aeration is a process which circulates, mixes or dissolves air, oxygen, carbon dioxide or other gases in a liquid or substance. The process of aeration is applied in food and beverage markets, waste water treatment, as well as in fish tanks and fish farms. Examples are oxygen level control in beer brewing and winemaking to allow fermentation. Also milk, sparkling water and other carbonated drinks, like cola, need a throughflow of gases to remove odors or to add CO2. Similar to the use of air pumps in a fish aquarium, industrial gas flow control is used to aerate ponds to grow fish or algae.