Application note A006

Flow control in Gas Chromatography

Using compact gas flow controllers

Reliable, sensitive, and selective high-resolution measurements using compact measuring instruments are among the expectations of a Gas Chromatography user. Being aware of these requirements, Bronkhorst has developed compact (MEMS based) flow solutions to meet the needs of gas chromatography manufacturers.

The Bronkhorst flow controllers have a compact design, offering stable gas flow control, good reproducibility and simple integration in your process. These flow controllers are a good fit for Gas Chromatography users.

Check out our recommended products

Compact flow solutions for gas chromatography

Flow requirements for gas chromatography

Most integrators need space saving solutions involving instruments with analogue or digital (bus) communication. Furthermore, customized compact modules, pre-tested for plug and play integration are required. Reliable instruments, able to guarantee low cost of ownership, are preferred.

Important topics

  • Compact flow controllers
  • Stable gas flow control
  • Simple integration
  • Pre-tested ‘Plug and Play’ units

Flow solution for gas chromatography

Gas chromatography is a widely used analytical technique which allows the qualitative and quantitative characterization of a sample. Such sample is injected through a sample injector in a stream of carrier gas. The gas stream is controlled using a very accurate mass flow controller (IQ+ FLOW series). The sample to analyse will go through the stationary heated column where its components elute at different times. Analytes are then detected by a specific type of detector. Each component of the sample will generate a different peak, enabling sample’s constituents identification. The attained peaks also permit a quantitative analysis through the calculation of the peaks areas.

Chemical plants frequently use these analysers to check process parameters in real time, thereby requiring faster run times. Such a requirement is hard to achieve, because it is difficult to reach a good balance between faster cycles while keeping acceptable levels of separation.

Flow controllers in Gas Chromatography (GC)
Flow scheme

MEMS-based gas flow controller

Analysis becomes much faster if a higher flow rate is used, but by doing so the separation between analytes will be less efficient, therefore increasing flow rates may compromise the analyser’s sensitivity.

Our IQ+FLOW series, are MEMS-based flow controllers and very compact in design. And therefore an ideal fit for gas chromatography users

Find your IQ+FLOW instrument
Gas Flow Controller IQ+FLOW


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