
Challenges in Water Treatment

Increased population and insufficient investment in infrastructure over the past several decades have left almost one-third of the world's people without access to clean water. Unesco has identified the care for clean water as one of the most important objectives for the coming years.

With regard to the improvement of our drinking water, Bronkhorst products can play an important role in such areas as:

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Examples of applications

  • Preventing lead or copper precipitation
  • Iron and lime removal in drinking water
  • Effluent treatment of wastewater
  • Chlorination of drinking water

Typical application in Water Treatment

Dosing additives to prevent lead or copper precipitation

Public water systems commonly add phosphates to the drinking water as a corrosion inhibitor to prevent the leaching of lead and copper from pipes and fixtures. Inorganic phosphates (e.g. phosphoric acid, zinc phosphate, and sodium phosphate) are added to the water to create orthophosphate, which forms a protective coating of insoluble mineral scale on the inside of service lines and household plumbing. The coating serves as a liner that keeps corrosion elements in water from dissolving some of the metal in the drinking water. As a result, lead and copper levels in the water will remain low and within the norms to protect the public health. 


Bronkhorst Flow Solutions

Bronkhorst® specializes in low flow Mass Flow Meters and Controllers for liquids and gases. Our Coriolis principle based instruments are designed to accurately measure and control flow ranges from 0.1 g/h up to 600 kg/h. They are suitable for numerous applications, also in the field of water treatment. Combined with a (gear) pump or (shut-off) valve, compact liquid mass flow dosing modules can be offered as an alternative to manually adjusted volumetric metering pumps. Watch our video to learn more about the working principle.

In addition to the extensive standard product range, based on more than 35 years of experience and market driven innovation, Bronkhorst collaborates with customers to develop the best customized process measurement and flow control solution. 

Our global perspective with local focus ensures that our international network of Bronkhorst offices, distributors and other partners is able to provide on-site support and discuss the best solution for many different applications. This approach also includes product adjustments, customized solutions and 24/7 service support to ensure that the finer details of your application will always be covered and available.
For more information, see our brochure Liquid Dosing Module for Water Treatment.

How does the Coriolis principle work? Brochure: Liquid Dosing Module

Application notes

Aeration and oxygen supply in water treatment applications

CO2 supply for pH control in drinking water

Bronkhorst USA supplied a flow solution to accurately measure CO2 flows for pH control for re-mineralisation in a desalination plant. 

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Drinking water re-mineralisation
Aeration application for fish farming

Aeration in fish farming

Fish farms use aeration as a way to prevent fish lice. By supplying tiny air bubbles to the water, water circulation is created which helps prevent gill diseases. In this application note the solution of our Norwegian distributor, Flow-Teknikk, has been shared.

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Iron removal from water by aeration

Aeration is used at waterworks to remove iron from raw water. Flow controllers add oxygen into this aeration process. Read the customer story!

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